Thursday, April 7, 2011

I'm Not Only My Body

~175 lbs.
24.4 BMI (that's 0.6 away from being in the "overweight" bracket)
38", 31", 42"
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown

When you look past the numbers and rudimentary descriptors, I'm a healthy feeling young adult with a gummy smile and a hearty guffaw. I'm quiet in groups, piping up only when I have a strong opinion, something undeniably witty, or some bitingly sarcastic remark to make about someone (always with a smile, of course). I love to sing and dance and laugh. I'm pretty tall, compared to most girls and a lot of guys. I stand with bad posture. I tend to listen to people when I respect them. I have a pretty face, not drop-dead gorgeous, but pretty. I have really curly, thick, tangle-y, golden brown hair with natural highlights on the top layers and a part on the right. I taught myself guitar and piano. I'm a homegrown Californian (even if I was born and lived in Utah for the first six months of my life). I fell in love. I believe in Jesus Christ; He's my Savior and Redeemer. I love grammar. I can't cry nearly as much as I wish I could. I love Disneyland more than almost anywhere ever. I really enjoy editing peoples' papers (especially when they're bad). Part of me is naturally a hippie. Part of me is naturally a hipster. I really like vegetables.

I'm a complete person; I am not a list of numbers and statistics. 

Stephanie Nielson, famous blogger that you really should know about, said, "I am not my body."

I'm not my body, you're not your body. But, your body is part of you. My body is part of me.

But it doesn't rule my life to know that I'm more than my body. I can't tell you to ignore that you have legs you might not like, a middle that you think is less than perfect or a mole you hate to show. I can't tell you that you should ignore the make-up kit you have because you're beautiful just the way you are and, if they don't like it, they can't have it.

What I am going to tell you is that your body is a gift and a blessing. But, both your body and your spirit work together to create a soul. Neglecting your spirit to worry about your body is bad, but so is forgetting your body in self-righteousness.

Even when I'm feeling gross, slob-ish, and unpretty, I'm still smiling, laughing, observing, listening. I'm still Alison and I'm still worth self-confidence. Because I'm smart, empathetic, and patient. But also because I have nice eyes, hands and hips. Appreciating our physical characteristics and embracing imperfections is essential to becoming more confident, a spiritual aspect. Realizing that your body houses a spirit that's worth respecting in an outward fashion is just as important. Finding the balance between loving you for your spirit and loving you for your body is the only way to ultimately love you for your soul.

I'm more than my body, but my body is still part of me.

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